Nov 12, 2019
A common theme among the events we have recently attended is generational differences. Many of our problems are focused around expectations. Different generations have different expectations and different ways they communicate. Tim Elmore refers to generations as Builders (1929-1945), Boomers (1946-1964), Busters (1965-1982), Millennials (1983-2000), Homelanders ( 2001+). Because of the lies from society, we begin to value things the wrong way. We put productivity over people and time over connection. We walk around trying to interpret people, not understand them. We are uncommitted. If you are uncommitted, you are unremembered. The ups and downs are where we are the happiest. It’s also where we do the most learning. Failure leads to the greatest success which is humility and learning. We want to give up in the struggle. We need to realize that the struggle is part of the journey in getting to the success.
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