Apr 6, 2021
On this episode, Linda and Dana talk to Undercover Millennial and author of I Love It Here Clint Pulver. After hearing a CEO preach that "you gotta adapt" in business but finding out that the same CEO hadn't changed his management style in years, Clint asked some of the employees how they liked working at that company. When he heard multiple answers about how they disliked the company and had other job interviews lined up, he started to realize that most companies weren't focused on making sure their employees loved their jobs, and he started interviewing employees as an undercover millennial; not dressed up in suits and business attire, but instead a backwards hat and a sweatshirt. After working with 180 organizations and conducting 10,000 undercover interviews, he wrote I Love It Here: How Great Leaders Create Organizations Their People Never Want to Leave. In the book, he shares what he learned from his interviews, most importantly that people who said they loved their job loved it because of their mentor, and people who said they hated their job hated it because of their manager. He explains how mentorship is earned not given, and the 5 C's (qualities) that mentors possess. He dives into the 4 types of managers and how to shift into being a mentor manager.
To pre-order his book (out on April 13th 2021), go to
To learn more about Clint, go to his website at